A project byHIDCO

Career Counselling

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." —Confucius

Newtown Library has increased the scope of interest for their members with the Career Counselling services. Career counselling is the most essential component to have a happy and satisfying career. Choosing a right career is a crucial task in the modern world as multidisciplinary professional paths are available in today's job market.

Career counselling can be done at any level of education and career life cycle.  Our range of expert and personalised career guidance services are accessible to children with parents, students and graduates and working professionals as well. We have a team of trained and experienced professionals to analyse the students and candidates in their career counselling process.

Career planning tools can help you determine what jobs might interest you, what jobs are available in your field of interest and what skills required to get the opportunities.

Do visit them at Newtown Library for Comprehensive Career Analysis.